For Healthcare Providers
Looking to increase your sales?
Do you want to see more patients visiting your clinic? Do you want to drive more sales in your pharmacy? Looking for more transactions on your eCommerce site?
Our conversational marketplace, askNivi, is available to your audience where they already are - on messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Through a unique combination of behavioral science, real-time data segmented by demographic and behavioral attributes, and AI, askNivi provides those audiences with the tools they need to engage with their own health.
You will have a more confident patient referred to your doorstep–making the business of providing care more efficient for you.

Nivi has increasingly focused its efforts on giving its users retail options for obtaining sexual and reproductive health products. In Kenya, this has meant referring more users to one of Nivi's earliest online pharmacy partners, MyDawa. MyDawa is one of Kenya's first online pharmacies offering over the counter (OTC) and prescription health products, and fast, convenient delivery across Kenya. Throughout 2022, about 40% of Nivi referrals contained at least one option for a user to buy a Nivi recommended product through MyDawa.
To improve sales among users referred to MyDawa, Nivi introduced a purchasing model where a user can purchase a MyDawa product directly through the askNivi marketplace. Among users given referrals for an HIV self-test kit, 7% opted to purchase a kit through askNivi. These findings show the promise of online commerce to segment users, target purchasing opportunities to relevant audiences, and promote sale of essential health products.

Who's Achieving Their Goals with Nivi Impact

Access Afya
Access Afya is a primary healthcare provider in Kenya that provides low-cost, high quality primary care to communities across Nairobi. As part of a comprehensive package of health services, Access Afya offers a range of family planning (FP) products and services, and is using Nivi Impact to highlight its offerings to communities that it currently serves, as well as new communities.

RHNK, Reproductive Health Network Kenya, is a coalition of health professionals across the public and private sectors dedicated to improving access to and provision of high quality family planning (FP) services and products. Through Nivi Impact, RHNK is improving the visibility of its network of providers amongst various communities across Kenya, and driving increased footfall to its providers.

Marie Stopes Kenya
Marie Stopes Kenya is dedicated to providing a wide range of high-quality and affordable services in sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy crisis counseling and management, family planning, and general health services.
Marie Stopes Kenya leverages Nivi Performance to engage and refer askNivi chatbot users to its clinics where they can avail various sexual and reproductive health services.